Hair care routine treatment with aloe vera

Aloe vera has been used for a long time as a homemade treatment and diy home hair care, for hair loss. It is also used on a large scale in beauty care products and in the personal care industry, especially for its healing property. Its thick leaves contain gel, and this raw gel is best to use in hair masks as an ingredient. It is found all over the world and we can grow it easily at home with no special care. According to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, aloe vera also useful in the treatment of baldness. Honey is also a well-known product full of nutrients and is also used in the beauty and personal care industry like aloe vera. We can make great hair masks using aloe vera and honey with a combination of lemon juice.

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  • Aloe vera and lemon hair mask

First of all, take 4 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel in a clean glass bowl. Now add 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice and mix both ingredients. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes and you are done with your own aloe vera, and lemon hair mask is ready to apply.

Method of application:

Apply this homemade hair mask as your routine hair care treatment once a week. To get the best result apply this routine hair treatment at night before going to bed. Apply the product using your fingertips or using a brush. Remember to apply it on the full length of your hair. First start from the scalp and then on the full length of hair. Apply a gentle massage on the scalp for a few minutes, using fingers. When done, leave the application for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse with normal water and shampoo your hair.

Aloe vera is an excellent nourisher for hair. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and much more ingredients which helps to nourish hair and stimulate hair growth. Aloe vera contains antibacterial properties so if you are suffering with any scalp infection, apply this hair mask to get rid of your scalp infection. Combination of aloe vera gel and lemon juice works well to remove dandruff and in the treatment of dry, rough and frizzy hairs. If you apply this as your routine hair care treatment once in a week, it will give your hair a new shine and because it stimulates hair growth, you will also get long and healthy hair, if applied regularly.

  • Honey and lemon hair mask

First of all, take 4 tablespoons of manuka honey in a clean glass bowl. Now add 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and mix both the ingredients. Leave the product for 5 minutes and you are done with your own honey and lemon hair mask is ready to apply.

Method of application:

You can apply this hair mask before your shower. Apply the mixture on the scalp and on the full length of hair, using your fingertips or using a brush. When completed, give a gentle massage on your scalp for a few minutes. Now put on a shower cap and leave the application on hair for a minimum 20 minutes and wash your hair with water and shampoo. This homemade hair mask nourishes hair, and it moisturizes well. Apply this treatment as your routine hair care minimum 3 days in a week for good results.

Honey is a great natural hair conditioner and condition your hair well. It is used in different homemade remedies. If you have damaged hair apply this hair mask to repair your hair. Honey also nourishes hair and support in hair growth. Due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties it is also useful to kill bacteria and germs that may present on the scalp and cause infection or itching on the scalp.

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