dull hairs homemade remedies

If you have dulled or rough hairs, there are so many nice homemade hair conditioner and hair mask recipe that you can make easily at home using some organic natural products that are mostly available in your home. You can make a nice hair mask with banana to get hair beauty. Strawberries is also a nice nutritious product which you can use to make very effective hair mask. In this post we will learn how to make a hair mask using strawberry. It will give your hair a new shine and strength. In normal hair condition you can use this treatment to maintain or improve your hair beauty. For good result use this homemade herbal hair mask regularly for few days.

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Follow the steps below to make hair mask.

  • First of all, take approximate one cup of fresh strawberries in a food processor.
  • Now add one well beaten egg yolk in it.
  • Also add one tablespoon of almond oil.
  • Finally add one tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Now mix all the ingredients well to become smooth.
  • Now you are done, and your hair mask is ready to use.

Method of application.

  • Apply it on your hair and deeply up to the scalp with the help of your fingertips.
  • After that cover your hairs with a shower cap and leave the application for about 1 hour.
  • Now rinse your hair with cold water properly and shampoo your hair.

This is very nice recipe of organic homemade hair treatment to get long and healthy hairs. After applying this hair mask regularly, you can protect your hair with unfavorable weather conditions that also cause dry, rough or dull hair look. Pollution of atmosphere is also a big cause of many hairs problem. You can apply this treatment twice in a week for good hair growth and to remove your split hair ends problem. It nourishes the hair roots and give them strength as a result you can also prevent your hair breakage or hair loss problem. So, apply this treatment and maintain your nice hair look. It will give your hair softness and a natural shine.

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