Best homemade multipurpose hair massage oil

There are lots of hair massage oils are available in the cosmetic market to improve your hair growth and to prevent bald patches, hair fall or hair loss problem, but homemade remedies is the best solution of your hair problem. If you apply a little effort, you can also make a nice hair massage oil using some natural oils at home. If you apply this massage oil regularly you can protect your hair with many hair problems without spending more money. To make this nice hair massage oil you can follow these steps.

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Follow the steps below.

  • First of all, take 1/2 cup of almond oil in a glass bowl.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil into it.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil into it.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of rosemary oil into it.
  • Finally add 3 to 4 drops of your favorite essential oil also.
  • Now mix all the ingredients well to become smooth. Now you are done, and your nice oil mixture is ready to apply.

Method of application
  • Apply this nice homemade hair massage oil with the help of your fingertips on full length of hair and deep up to the scalp.
  • Apply it from tip to root of the hair and massage gently using your fingertips on scalp and on hair for minimum 5 minutes.
  • Now put on a plastic shower cap and leave the application on your hair for minimum on hour.
  • Finally rinse your hair with cold water and shampoo your hair using a mild shampoo.

You can apply this homemade hair massage oil regularly 3 to 4 times in a week. This prepared massage oil contains essential nutrients to keep your hair healthy. If you have dry and brittle hair problem, apply this home treatment regularly to get rid of with your problem. If you apply this hair massage regularly it will also protect your hair with cold waves and pollution in winter season. It will make your hair follicle healthy and support to improve hair growth. It will also repair hair breakage and make hair shaft strong and prevent you with hair loss problem. Also make your soft and silky.

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