Make your hair silky & shiny | winter hair care

In this post homemade treatment and hair care, we will learn about making a nice oil mixture to massage on scalp. This home treatment is very nice to protect our hair with cold waves in winter season and to maintain our silky and shiny look of hair. This treatment is also very supporting to increase hair growth and to remove scalp infection as well as give more strength to hair shaft.

Courtesy-Google Image

Method of preparation.

  • First of all, take 1 tablespoon of camellia seed oil in a glass bowl.
  • Now add 2 teaspoons of almond oil in it.
  • Add 2 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Now mix well and your nice homemade oil mixture is ready to use.

Method of application

  • Apply this nice oil mixture on full hair length and up to the scalp. Give a massage on scalp with your fingertips for at least 5 minutes.
  • Also massage gently your hair with this prepared oil mixture. Now gently comb to spread the product nicely on hair.
  • Put a shower cap and leave the application on hair for minimum one hour and now rinse your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo your hair.

Apply this home treatment minimum 3 to 4 days in a week to get good result. If you apply homemade remedies on your hairs, is very nice to increase your hair growth. If you have thin hair problem, use this treatment regularly. In winter season you can apply this treatment to get rid of with your dry or rough hair problem. It will also protect your hair with cold waves. If you have dry scalp problem, apply this homemade treatment and get rid of with this problem. You can also remove your dandruff problem with regular application of this treatment. It makes hair shaft strong and repair the damaged hair. If you want to make your hair silky and shiny and want to protect your hair beauty especially in cold weather condition apply it regularly.

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