Hair loss & Baldness

In common language we can say that baldness is caused by more or excess hair loss. But medically there are many causes of baldness. If you feel itching on scalp don't avoid it. It may be due to presence of harmful bacteria. Which can also start hair loss. Mostly in men it is due to heredity. Many more reasons are there like, inadequate nutritional diet, after any serious disease, hormonal disbalance in body, dry or rough hairs, mental stress, harsh chemical effect of cheap hair care products etc. I will not go in details of causes. In this organic hair care post, I will tell you some home treatment to prevent hair loss and baldness.

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Apply the following home treatments.

Treatment 1

  • Cut a fresh aloe vera leaf and collect sufficient fresh gel in a glass bowl.
  • Massage thoroughly and gently on scalps with your fingertips.
  • Now put on a shower cap and leave it on scalps minimum one hour.
  • Now wash your hair with cold water and shampoo your hair.

Treatment 2

  • Take 2 tablespoon of coconut oil in a glass bowl.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of camellia seed oil and mix well.
  • Massage on scalp thoroughly with this oil mixture but gently not hard massage.
  • Now put on a shower cap and leave this application about one hour.
  • After one hour you can rinse your hair and shampoo.

Treatment 3

  • Take 2 tablespoon of coconut oil in a glass bowl.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil and mix well to become smooth.
  • Now massage on scalp with the help of your fingertips thoroughly but gently.
  • Now put on a shower cap and leave the application for one hour.
  • Now rinse your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo your hair.

These are some very effective and easy home treatment to prevent hair loss and baldness. Apply these treatments on your hair to cure or prevent hair breakage, hair loss or baldness problems. It will also give your hair nutrition, strength, thickness and shine.

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