Henna & egg organic hair mask

There are so many home treatments in organic hair care which are very effective and useful for our hair growth and to get rid of with many hair disorders. In this post of organic hair treatment, I am going to tell you a nice treatment to improve our hair growth and prevent hair loss or baldness.

henna and egg hair mask

We will use some natural products like henna powder, egg yolk and fenugreek seed as main ingredients to make this hair mask. As we know henna is used from ancient times to care our hairs. Egg also contains protein and useful nutrients which are important to improve our hair growth and to nourish them properly.

To make the hair mask follow the step below.

  • First of all, take 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass bowl and add some water to dip it well. Leave it for overnight to soak well. 
  • In the morning grind the fenugreek seeds well by adding some water to become paste like consistency. Now put it in a glass bowl.
  • Now take 1 cup of henna powder in a big glass of bowl and pour some water in it and leave for minimum 2 hours to soak well and to become a paste like consistency.
  • After 2 hours blend 1 egg yolk properly and add it in henna paste. 
  • Finally add fenugreek paste in it.
  • Mix all the ingredients well to become a thin and fine paste. If looks hard add some water add mix well to control consistency. 
  • Now you are done, and your nice hair mask is ready to use. 
Method of application.

  • Apply this hair mask on your full hair length and on scalps with the help of your fingertips giving a gentle massage over scalps. Now put a shower cap and leave it for minimum 1 hour. After 1 hour wash your hairs with lukewarm water.

You can apply this treatment twice in a month to get silky and shiny hairs. If you applied this treatment properly you will improve your hair growth, you will get rid of with hair loss or dull and rough hair problems.
