Dry & brittle hair best homemade treatment

Dry or brittle hair problem is mostly caused when you don't care your hair properly as needed. Many hair care products which contain harsh chemicals can make your hair brittle. Proper nutrition is also very essential to prevent your hair with brittle and dry hair problem. In this post of organic hair care we will learn about some very effective homemade treatment to solve this problem.

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Treatment 1

  • Apply a gentle massage on scalp and hair with olive oil. First of all, make warm some olive oil and apply on full length of hair from root to end tip of hair and on scalp.
  • Massage gently for minimum 5 minutes and put on a shower cap and leave the application for overnight and wash in the morning and shampoo your hair.
  • It makes clean and clear your scalp and stimulate hair follicle which improve hair growth. You can apply this home treatment once in a month.

Treatment 2

  • Take one well ripe avocado and separate its pulp and make a fine and smooth paste.
  • Now take avocado paste in a glass bowl.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice into it and again mix well to become a fine and smooth paste.
  • First of all damp your hair and apply this hair mask on full length of hair and up to the scalp.
  • Now put on a shower cap and leave the application on your hair for minimum 2 hours.
  • Now wash thoroughly with cold water and shampoo your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • Apply this homemade treatment once in a week. It nourishes and hydrate hair well and make your hair soft and shiny.

Treatment 3

  • Rinsing your hair and scalp with apple cider vinegar is a very effective homemade treatment for dry and brittle hair problem.
  • This is a nice treatment to open blocked hair follicles.
  • It removes extra oil from scalp and make it clean and clear.
  • It improves hair growth and make hair shaft strong and healthy.
  • For better result apply this nice home treatment once in a week before you take your bath or shampoo your hair.
  • It will make your scalp healthier and if you apply this home treatment regularly, you can also get rid of with dry, dull, rough or itchy scalp and brittle hair problem and can get soft, silky and shiny hair.
We must care our hair in all weather conditions and apply some homemade remedies to prevent your hairs with different hair problems. Regular use of homemade hair mask protects our hair with unfavorable conditions.

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